Thursday, 13 September 2007

back in one of my comfort zones

I started back at my writing group this evening (it started last week but i was working *sob*).

The group runs at my daughter's school and usually has about 6 members. We bring in pieces we have written and read them out giving other members of the group the opportunity to offer feedback. There is a wonderful mixture of people young and old from a great variety of backgrounds and one of the lovely things is that we have members producing short pieces and members working on long term projects.

Writing aside I think the group have become friends and we spend a lot of time chatting. It takes a special kind of person to put up with my weirdness and fondness for double entendre and naughtiness hehe.

I will never forget that, when I was at my lowest ebb it was a special friend and this group that held my head above water until I learnt to swim

1 comment:

Toadee said...

choisest morsel! what a wonderful turn of phrase.

I did a few short pieces at the group but I am saving them for future flash 55's lol

you are an absolutely amazing friend to have