Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Difficult and unpleasant

that was my morning because today we attended the coroner's inquest regarding my brother in law.

There were no surprises, the verdict was that he killed himself. It's just about facts none of us can ever truly appreciate how he was feeling and the thoughts that lead him down this road. He is gone we must continue.


Trix said...

As I dont know the whole story,I feel like I dropped in at the end! You must be going through a really tough time,I want to send you and your family all the very best wishes.So sad to hear that your brother in law killed himself...

Toadee said...

thank you Jesse, it hasn't been the easiest of times.

morgetron said...

Hey Toadee -- I know when my uncle committed suicide it was really tough on our family, so I can only imagine that your family is feeling similarly. I wasn't very close to my uncle, but I love my aunt sooooo much and she was and still is hurt by it. Time does make it easier, but it's something that comes up in thought often. I am praying for you and your family ... and sorry I haven't been here much lately.


Toadee said...

Thank you Jodie, I suppose the pain remains but we adjust to it.