Wednesday 11 June 2008


It sometimes strikes me as weird that i can write blogs of totally different character at virtually the same time. I like to think this makes me multi-faceted but perhaps it really means two faced lol


Toadee said...

very true and doesn't it just get confusing!

Kelly Ann said...

Absolutely not two faced. Think about it, the human personality has many different levels, if you have a many blogs, your just displaying that many levels of your personality. Call it Blogger Schizophrenia if you'd like. :)

Trix said...

I agree....we all have many different moods,nuances and personas that make us who we are.Blogging is no different...and its interesting that you show different facets of yourself on different blogs...hey,perhaps its time I started my new 'Psycho Jesse Blog'...he he :)

Toadee said...

Having spend time around the internet I think there could be a great many psycho blogs out there.

I like the idea of blogger schizophrenia, I often sail very close to that particular wind

KB said...

Could one of you please tell me what you are on about?